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ICUMSA 600 1200

ICUMSA 600 1200

Açúcar RC Brasil Sugar
ICUMSA 600 1200

Somos o maior representante das indústrias de cana de açúcar do mundo. Também somos responsáveis por comercializar 48% das demandas mundiais dessa commodity. A sigla ICUMSA significa International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis, ou Comissão Internacional para Métodos Uniformes de Análise de Açúcar.

O ICUMSA 600 1200 é conhecido como açúcar mascavo. É um açúcar 100% refinado com a produção feita depois da cristalização da cana de açúcar. É um açúcar mais grosso do que o açúcar branco comum, conhecido como ICUMSA 45 com coloração marrom. O açúcar mascavo produzido da cana de açúcar, quando é refinado, contém um valor de 70% de açúcar branco comum.

Polarization:97.80 Degrees to 99.2 degree.
ASH Content:0.15% Max.
Radiation:Within internationally accepted limits.
Granulation:0.6mm of regular square (medium size)
Moisture:0.15% Max.
Magnetic Particles:10Mp/k
SO2:20 Mg/k ASH by Electrical
Conductivity:0.15% Max.
Sulphur Dioxide:60 mg/kg Min.
Smell:Free from unusual or abnormal
Smell Reducing Sugar:0.05% Max. by weight.
HPN Staph Aureus:Nil
Max AS:1 P.P.M.
Max PS:2 P.P.M.
Max CU:3 P.P.M.
Substance:Solid Crystal

Industry benefits

First Need Product

ICUMSA 600 1200 sugar is a product that is used daily as a central element in an almost infinite variety of foods. The product is used, for example, in raw material production processes, which in turn will serve as a base ingredient for hundreds of types of bread, biscuits, pasta, thousands of types of beverages, etc.

International scope

One of the most relevant sectors when it comes to the labor market is industry. The sugar industry, in addition to being able to maintain jobs, even in times of global crisis, is also an important sector to develop the country’s agriculture and establish food security for the entire nation and the foreign market. 

Environmental responsibility

The globalized world has accelerated climate change on the planet, bringing great challenges to the sugar industry. RC Brasil Sugar perceives this reality with an optimistic view, as humanity has always employed great efforts in search of real solutions and this is the path we are following.

Product Information

Brown sugar

The production of brown sugar is done through direct boiling of brown sugar syrup or mixed with white sugar mixed with controlled amounts of molasses.

Light shade

Brown sugar, also known as demerara sugar or raw cane sugar, is widely used in the preparation of sauces and baked products. Brown sugar is partially processed and retains more molasses.


The dark color of brown sugar has a stronger molasses flavor than light brown sugar. It has a richer flavor that makes it suitable for the production of gingerbread, beans, barbecues, among others.


ICUMSA is a world-wide body which brings together the activities of the National Committees for Sugar Analysis.